Your wellbeing is our priority

Your well-being is at our heart.


We do this because of you. You are the Challenger, you’re the one finding and exceeding your Peak Challenge. 


We all have peaks and troughs in life. 


If you love that sense of rising above it all, you’ll really enjoy the feeling you get when you place your foot on the well-earned summit of a peak. 


If you’re experiencing lots of dips in your life, walking up a hill can really change your outlook. Even if it’s just for a moment of exhilaration in amongst the exhaustion, that feeling is magical. It’s life-affirming, and it’s proven. Scientists have been telling us to get outside more, to spend time in beautiful, natural places.


Humans need a sense of well-being. We all have this in common, no matter what our story. 


How do we get there? There’s no simple answer, but research about well-being is clear that achieving worthwhile goals, contributing to a cause and stepping out of your comfort zone can all contribute to stronger mental health, as well as finding time for yourself. Peak Challenge offers you the chance to surprise yourself, to find encouragement when you need it, to meet new people, to engage with the wonderful outdoors, to live in the present. Most importantly, you’ll find new viewpoints – literally and metaphorically. All with a reassurance that you are in good hands. Come along and find more of yourself.